Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Finally it started... sweet man starting to talk.... Will you listen?

Always been wanting to start blogging. Too many people inspired me to do it. Before I start sharing who and why... I think it is only right to properly introduce myself for the very first post.

I love traveling. I love good food. I love enjoy the finer things in life... who don't?
And most of all... I love to dream.

Always being my dream since I was a kid to be a candy man, owning a candy shop with never ending supply of sweet. As a kid, I always relate sweet to blissful, no matter how tough life is, all you need is a sweet in your mouth to remind you this world is still beautiful... and sweet.

Stealing some good quotes from Franka Potente and Dyland Lauren....

"When I was a kid at first I wanted to own a candy shop. 
I guess every kid wants to - we just want to have access - free access." 
- Franka Potente

"Candy is childhood, the best and bright moments you wish could have lasted forever."
- Dylan Lauren

As since a kid, i always believe in what Roald Dahl says....

"The Secret of Life... is to become very very good at something that's very very hard to do" - Roald Dahl's The Hitch-hiker

I graduated from Nayang Poly with a diploma in Information Technology and finished my NUS School of Computing with a degree in computing (nearly dropout!) and it didn't takes me too long to realised, it isn't easy to become very very good in computing... hence i tried my hands on many trades (well, not too many thou) and finally i fulfilled a childhood dream of being a Candy Man. Well... guess it is more cool to call myself a "Sweet Man" instead? And yes... this is something very very hard to do indeed.

Will share more and more what happened all these years in my life... via my blog "Sweet Man Talking". And of course I will be sharing what makes me start blogging too very soon in the next blog. Do follow me. As I am a newbie... Your support and advise is very much appreciated. Guide me as I enter into this mysterious yet beautiful circle of bloggers.

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